Advertising Terms - Definitions
Romanian and English language advertising terms.All terms (all letters)
Account Manager
Man thoroughly familiar with all the phases of outdoor advertising and responsible for seeing that all the services available from OAAP are provided for the agencies and accounts he is assigned. The services of these men are available for advise and counsel on the most effective use of the medium.Romanian definition: (responsabil de cont)
Angajat al unei agentii (de publicitate sau outdoor) care realizeaza transferul de informatii intre agentie si client.
Time periods immediately before and after a television program, normally used as a commercial break between programsRomanian definition: (adiacenta)
Intervalele de timp adiacente unei emisiuni TV (inainte sau dupa emisiune) folosite de obicei pentru difuzarea spoturilor TV
An allowance made by the plant operator to the advertiser when there has been a loss in service in violation of the contract terms. This adjustment usually takes the form of extended service, extra service, or cash fundRomanian definition: (ajustare)
Bonus oferit de furnizorul media (outdoor media) beneficiarului campaniei drept compensare pentru perioadele in care prestarea serviciilor a avut de suferit din cauza furnizorului outdoor. Aceste ajustari sunt de obicei oferite sub forma expunerii suplimentare sau ajustari ale sumelor decontate in baza contractelor de publicitate.
A measure of readership averages for print publications over a two-year period, used as a baseline for comparing specific ads to an averageRomanian definition: Unitate de masura care aproximeaza media anuala de citire pentru publicatiile tiparite. Etalon pentru compararea unor reclame specifice.
Advance Premium
A premium provided to a consumer, on the condition of some later purchaseRomanian definition: Bonus oferit in avans unui client in baza unei promisiuni de cumparare ulterioara.
Means the Client or Sponsor in whose behalf and for whose account advertising is produced and disseminated. It is used interchangeably with ADVERTISING SECTORRomanian definition: Advertiser este numita compania care iti promoveaza un produs sau un serviciu prin intermediul unei campanii publcitare. Beneficiarul campaniei publicitare sau clientul final.
There are a variety of definitions, with subtle but important distinctions. While the general public frequently views advertising as encompassing all forms of promotional communication, most advertising practitioners limit it to paid communications conveyed by a mass medium. The latter definition distinguishes advertising from other forms of marketing communication, such as Sales Promotion, Public Relations, and Direct Marketing.Romanian definition: Publicitate. Termen general cu multe forme si definitii. In acceptiunea generala se refera la orice forma de comunicare platita ce are ca scop final promovarea unui produs (servicii, idee sau chiar persoana).
Advertising Agency
Refers to the service organization, whether single proprietors, partnership or corporation, established and operated for the purpose of tendering counsel on, creating, producing and implementing advertising programs for and in behalf of advertisers, utilizing any or all forms of media to inform and educate consumers on the availability and attributes of products and services, as integral part of marketing practice.Romanian definition: Agentie de publicitate
Companie care gestioneaza o campanie publicitara in numele clientului final. Termenul este folosit generic pentru orice timp de companie care are un contract de publicitate. Exista si definitii mult mai precise care se refera la diferitele competente ale unei agentii: agentie media sau regie media, agentie outdoor media, agentie de creatie, agentie full service, agentie online, agentie btl, agentie pay per click, companie de productie publicitara, etc.
Advertising Allowance
Money provided by a manufacturer to a distributor for the purpose of advertising a specific product or brand. See, also, Cooperative advertisingRomanian definition: Buget oferit de un producator (manufacturer) unui partener de distributie in scopul promovarii unei game de produse sau servicii.
Advertising Message
Refers to any form of communications directed by an advertiser/sponsor to any mass audience, whether readers, listeners or viewers.Romanian definition: Mesaj publicitar
Forma de comunicare (imagine, text, sonor, video, etc) initiata de / sau in beneficiul unui Advertiser si care se adreseaza unui grup tinta, prin intermediul canalelor de comunicare (online, outdoor, tv, radio, presa, PR)
Advertising Plan
An explicit outline of what goals an advertising campaign should achieve, how to accomplish those goals, and how to determine whether or not the campaign was successful in obtaining those goalsRomanian definition: Plan de publicitate
Lista concreta si explicita a obiectivelor unei campanii de pubicitate, precum si descrierea mijloacelor prin care aceste obiective pot fi atinse.
Advertising Research
Research conducted to improve the efficacy of advertising. It may focus on a specific ad or campaign, or may be directed at a more general understanding of how advertising works or how consumers use the information in advertising. It can entail a variety of research approaches, including psychological, sociological, economic, and other perspectives.Romanian definition: Cercetare in publicitate
Cercetare facuta in scopul imbunatatirii eficientei unei campanii publicitare. Cercetarea poate monitoriza rezultatele unei singura campanii sau se paote extinde la nivelul studierii comportamentului unui grup largit de persoane. Studiile pot fi facut din diferite perspective (sociale, psihologice, comportamentale, politice)
An advertisement that has the appearance of a news article or editorial, in a print publication. See Infomercial, belowRomanian definition: Forma de publicitate care pastreaza formatul general al stirilor sau al unor articole informative. Vezi Infomercial
Agency Commission
The agency's fee for designing and placing advertisements. Historically, this was calculated as 15 percent of the amount spent to purchase space or time in the various media used for the advertising. In recent years the commission has, in many cases, become negotiable, and may even be based on some measure of the campaign's success.Romanian definition: Comision de agentie. Procent din bugetul de publicitate, convenit intre Advertiser si Agentia de Publicitate ca recompensa pentru serviciile furnizate de Agentie Clientului. In mod traditional comisionul avea o valoare de aproximativ 15%. Este diferit de rebate (sau AVB) care poate fi negociat intre Agentie si furnizorii media (radio, tv, online, outdoor, productie publicitara, etc)
Stands for Attention (awareness), Interest, Desire, and Action. This is a historical model of how advertising works, by first getting the consumer's attention, then their interest, etcRomanian definition: AIDA (Awareness Interest Desire Action) este un termen atat de cunoscut in publicitate incat traducerea in limba Romana ar fi lipsita de sens. Acest model consacrat descrie etapele prin care trece promovarea unui produs. Prima etapa, cea de Awareness (constientizarea existentei unui produs nou) este obiectivul campaniilor de lansare pentru produsele si serviciile noi. Urmeaza activarea interesului pentru acel produs. Desire este etapa premergatoare vanzarii in care produsul este dorit. Action este achizitionarea propriuzisa a produsului.
Audience Duplication
The number of people who saw or heard more than one of the programs or publications in which an ad was placed.Romanian definition: Numarul persoanelor care intra in contact cu mesajul publicitar de mai multe ori (more than once).
Space available for sale at a given time.Romanian definition: Disponibil. Tabel cu locatii publicitare in care se sepecifica disponibilitatea acestora (din ce data pana in ce data sunt ofertabile).
Advertising structures that have illumination which sends light through the advertisement for higher visibility. Ads must be printed on special translucent surfaces.Romanian definition: (iluminat din spate)
Termenul este folosit in doua situatii:
1. Panou publicitar sau structura publicitara cu iluminare din interior (caseta luminoasa).
2. Material PVC imprimabil (banner) folosit pentru casete iluminate din interior.
Back To Back
Running more than one commercial, with one following immediately after anotherRomanian definition: Difuzarea mai multor spoturi publicitare consecutive
Bait Advertising
Advertising a product at a very low price, when it is difficult or even impossible to obtain the product for the price advertised.Romanian definition: Campanie publicitara fortata, care anunta un pret foarte mic pentru un produs, pret care este foarte dificil de obtinut in realitate.
Exchanging merchandise, or something other than money, for advertising time or space.Romanian definition: Campanie publicitara pentru care Clientul achita prin vanzarea unor produse sau servicii. Contract de barter sau compensare.
Means the industry practice of negotiating contracts with qualified advertising services suppliers for particular work/service orders, usually considering price quotations vis-a-vis supplier competenceRomanian definition: Licitatie sau Pitch. Selectionarea celei mai competitive oferte dintre toate cele oferite de mai multe agentii (sau furnizori).
(1) Large format advertising displays intended for viewing from extended distances, generally more than 50 feet. Billboard displays include, but not limited to: 30-sheet posters, 8-sheet posters, vinyl-wrapped posters, bulletins, wall murals and stadium/arena signage.(2) Sponsor identification at the beginning or end of a television show.Romanian definition: Termenul american se refera la panouri publicitare de mari dimensiuni care pot comunica eficient un mesaj vizual de la minim 15m (50 feet). In Romania, denumirea de billboard se refera in mod uzual la panouri publicitare iluminate frontal, placate cu tabla cu dimensiuni mai mici de 8x3m
Total amount charged to clients, including the agency commission, media costs, production costs, etc.Romanian definition: Toate sumele facturate catre clientul final, ce pot include comisionul de agentie, costurile, media, print, etc.
A white paper border surrounding the poster copy area.Romanian definition: Portiunea de afis neimprimata, aflata in jurul portiunii imprimate (zona imprimata se numeste copy area).
Bleed Posting
Where the paper of the design itself goes clear to the molding without any blanking at top or sides. In some cases, the molding is eliminated.Romanian definition: Bleed
Portiunea perimetrala a afiselor (poster, blueback) care urmeaza sa fie indoita dupa rama panoului publicitar sau care urmeaza sa fie acoperita de rama locatiei publicitare. Zona de bleed trebuie sa fie prevazut din etapa de DTP si are de obicei marcata limita cu suprafata nominala de expunere.
Bleed Through
A term used when referring to painted bulletins where paint from a previous design has worked through to the surface of the new design.Romanian definition: Termenul era folosit in cazul panourilor publicitare (billboards) in care vopseaua afisului vechi ajungea sa fie observata pe noul afis.
A billboard paper with a blue back for high-opacity outdoor applications. It is used for printing with solvent and ecosolvent inks.Romanian definition: Hartie speciala pentru afise lipite pe panouri publicitare cu o suprafata rigida. Spatele afisului este de culoare albastru deschis. Afisarea se face cu adeziv. Se pot afisa mai multe campanii succesiv, dupa care este nevoie de curatarea billboardului.
Common name for Poster panels or Billboard bulletins.Romanian definition: Denumire comuna pentru Billboard (panou publicitar)
An agency that provides a limited service, such as one that does creative work but does not provide media planning, research, etc. Usually, this refers to a relatively small company.Romanian definition: Agentie care ofera un set limitat de servicii publicitare, de obicei servicii de creatie, fara a se implica in media buying, research, etc.
Brand Manager
Person who has marketing responsibilities for a specific brandRomanian definition: Brand Managerul este angajatul unui Advertiser, responsabil de gestionarea unui anumit Brand (a unei marci) din portofoliul acelei companii. Un producator de bere poate angaja un Marketing Manager pe intrgul grup si cativa Brand Managers pentru fiecare din marcile de bere. Pozitia este justificata de volumul mare de actiuni specifice acelui brand de bere care pot fi fundamental diferite de instrumentele folosite pentru promovarea unui alte marci din portofoliul grupului.
Common name for traditional billboards which measure 14 x 48 feet. Copy is produced primarily by two methods: painting directly on the surface or posting vinyl with the advertising message pre-printed digitally.Romanian definition: Sau Bulletin Boards. Format de locatie publicitara foarte populara in America, cu dimensiunile de 14 feet x 48 feet (aproximativ 4 m x 14 m). In Romania, formatul este cunoscut sub denumirea de unipol 14x4m (sau unipole sign).
Cancellation Period
A specified period of time when a contract can be terminated. Most outdoor contracts are non-cancelable.Romanian definition: Preaviz pentru rezilierea contractului. Intervalul de timp in care un contract poate fi anulat inainte de termen. Exista doua tipuri de contracte: cu perioada ferma sau cu un preaviz convenit de parti.
Card Rate
Media rates published by a broadcast station or print publication on a rate card. This is typically the highest rate charged by a vehicle.Romanian definition: Rate card sau Pret de lista. Este un pret de referinta care reprezinta cel mai mare cost la care poate fi inchiriat un panou publicitar. Costul fara discount.
Channel Letters
Sheet metal letters with recessed frontal surfaces designed to accommodate incandescent bulbs or luminous tubingRomanian definition: Litere volumetrice, confectionate din metal in care pot fi montate tuburi incandescente. Sunt folosite pentru semne publicitare outdoor montate pe cladiri, roof-top sau pe fatada cladirilor (banci, restaurante)
Channels Of Distribution
The routes used by a company to distribute its products, e.g., through wholesalers, retailers, mail order, etc.Romanian definition: Canale de distributie
Reteaua prin care o companie isi distribuie produsele (reteileri, online, agenti de vanzare)
Charting The Showing
The process of selecting individual unit locations to maximize out-of- home advertising objectives. Circulation- Traffic volume in a market.Romanian definition: Selectia panourilor / locatiilor publicitare in cadrul planificarii media.
Chase Border
A border or incandescent electric bulbs or luminous tubes place around a display which flash on and off in rotation. The lights thus appear to be rapidly moving around the border. This is frequently used on theatre marqueesRomanian definition: Panouri publicitare pe a caror margini sunt montate jocuri de lumini cu rolul de a face locatia mai atractiva.
Of a print publication, the average number of copies distributed. For outdoor advertising this refers to the total number of people who have an opportunity to observe a billboard or poster. This term sometimes is used for broadcast, as well, but the term audience is used more frequently.Romanian definition: (sau audienta). Se refera la numarul total al persoanelor care au oportunitatea de a vedea o locatie publicitara outdoor (banner, poster, billboard, backlit, etc)
Medium and small size illuminated advertising signs (lightboxes)Romanian definition: Casete publicitare din stiplex, iluminate din interior, montate de obicei pe un stalp si amplasate in zonele pietonale.
Closing Date
The day final copy and other materials must be at the vehicle in order to appear in a specific issue or time slot.Romanian definition: Data limita la care versiunea finala a mesajului (creatie grafica, spot audio, spot video, etc) trebuie sa fie livrata furnizorului media.
When an advertisement is surrounded by other ads, thereby forcing it to compete for the viewer's or listener's attention.Romanian definition: Aglomeratie de locatii publicitare concentrate pe un areal restrans care implica o concurenta vizuala ridicata pentru atentia trecatorilor.
Coated Frontlit
PVC banner coated for higher mechanical resistance, used for outdoor advertising digital printingRomanian definition: Material PVC pe care se tiparesc afisele de mari dimensiuni, armat cu fibre pentru o rezistenta mecanica marita.
Coated Stock
Paper with a slick and smooth finish.Romanian definition: Hartie folosita pentru afis, acoperita cu un strat neted (lucios)
Coincidental Survey
A survey of viewers or listeners of broadcast programming, conducted during the program.Romanian definition: Evaluarea audientei unui program, in timpul emisiei acestuia.
A type of premium that consumers may desire to have as a part of a greater collection of similar goods.Romanian definition: Bonus sub forma de obiecte colectionabile, acordat ca urmare a unei achizitii.
Color Proof
An early full-color print of a finished advertisement, used to evaluate the ad's final appearance.Romanian definition: Proba de culoare. Esantion de print folosit pentru verificarea calitatii culorii si a imprimantei.
Color Separation
A full-color ad normally is generated through printing of four separate colors: yellow, cyan, magenta, and black. The color separation consists of four separate screens; one for each of those four colors.Romanian definition: Separarea culorilor compozite in cele patru culori de baza folosite in print (CMYK)
Commercial Advertising
Advertising that involves commercial interests rather than advocating a social or political cause.Romanian definition: Publicitate comerciala. Forma de publicitate in beneficiul unui client comercial, spre deosebire de campanii sociale, politice, culturale.
Consumer Advertising
Advertising directed at a person who will actually use the product for their own benefit, rather than to a business or dealer.Romanian definition: Publicitate care vizeaza mai degraba consumatorul final al unui produs, si nu dealeri, distribuitori, aplicatori.
Consumer Behavior
Study of how people behave when obtaining, using, and disposing of products (and services).Romanian definition: Comportamentul consumatorului. Studii asupra comportamentului persoanelor care se incadreaza in categoria de cumparatori sau potentiali cumparatori ai unor servicii sau produse.
Consumer Jury Test
A method of testing advertisements that involves asking consumers to compare, rank, and otherwise evaluate the ads.Romanian definition: Studii asupra reactiei consumatorilor la diferite mesaje publicitare
Consumer Stimulants
Promotional efforts designed to stimulate short-term purchasing behavior. Coupons, premiums, and samples are examples of consumer stimulants.Romanian definition: Instrumente de stimulare a deciziei de cumparare (vouchere, cupoane, collectibles)
Container Premium
Special product packaging, where the package itself acts as a premium of value to the consumer.Romanian definition: Modalitate de impachetare premium a unui produs astfel incat ambalajul in sine devine valoros pentru cumparator.
Scheduling advertisements to appear at regular intervals over a period of time.Romanian definition: Publicarea mesajelor publicitare la intervale relativ regulate , pe o perioada de campanie convenita (ex: 10 luni)
Continuous Advertising
Scheduling advertisements to appear regularly, even during times when consumers are not likely to purchase the product or service, so that consumers are constantly reminded of the brand.Romanian definition: Derularea unei campanii publicitare pe o perioada extinsa, chiar si in afara sezonului de vanzari, in scopul construirii unui brand puternic pe care publicul sa il retina.
Controlled (Qualified) Circulation
Publications, generally business-oriented, that are delivered only to readers who have some special qualifications. Generally, publications are free to the qualified recipients.Romanian definition: Audienta calificata. Vehicule care se adreseaza unui grup tinta, cu o anumita calificare sau sortat conform anumitor criterii.
Cost Per Thousand
Cost of reaching one thousand potential viewers.Romanian definition: Costul expunerii mesajului publicitar pentru o mie de afisari.
Cost Per Thousand (Cpm)
The cost, per 1000 people reached, of buying advertising space in a given media vehicle.Romanian definition: Costul expunerii mesajului publicitar pentru o mie de afisari.
A measure of a media vehicle's reach, within a specific geographic area.Romanian definition: Acoperire. Zona geografica in care un anumit vehicul media poate expune.
Creative Strategy
An outline of what message should be conveyed, to whom, and with what tone. This provides the guiding principles for copywriters and art directors who are assigned to develop the advertisement. Within the context of that assignment, any ad that is then created should conform to that strategy. The written statement of creative strategy is sometimes called a copy platform.Romanian definition: Strategie de creatie. Setul de instructiuni (guideline) care se refera la forma si tonul pe care le poate lua mesajul publicitar de comunicat.
This refers to a process of establishing goals for an ad campaign such that it is possible to determine whether or not the goals have been met. It stands for Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results.Romanian definition: Demersul in urma caruia sunt stabilite obiectivele campaniei publicitare si instrumentele prin care acestea pot fi monitorizate si evaluate.
Daily Effective Circulation (Dec)
Audience of potential viewers who have the opportunity to see an out-of-home message during a 24-hour period. DEC's are typically measured and adjusted for an 18 hour day and for 18+ buying population.Romanian definition: trad: Circulatia Zilnica Efectiva (sau audienta zilnica efectiva)
Audienta data de persoanele care au oportunitatea de a vedea mesajul unui panou publicitar.
Daily Impressions
Also called DEC (Daily Effective Circulation). The estimated number of persons passing an outdoor location on an average day.Romanian definition: sinonim cu Daily Effective Circulation (DEC)
Day-After Recall Test
A research method that tests consumers' memories the day after they have seen an ad, to assess the ad's effectiveness.Romanian definition: Metoda de cercetare care verifica masura in care o reclama vazuta cu o zi inainte de test, a fost memorata.
Broadcast media divide the day into several standard time periods, each of which is called a daypart. Cost of purchasing advertising time on a vehicle varies by the daypart selected.Romanian definition: trad: segmente de audienta ale zilei
Anumite canale media impart ziua in segmente de audienta care permit o vizare mai precisa a tintei.
Decay Constant
An estimate of the decline in product sales if advertising were discontinued.Romanian definition: Estimare a ratei de diminuare a vanzarilor in scenariul in care campania publicitara ar fi oprita.
Deceptive Advertising
FTC definition: A representation, omission, act or practice that is likely to mislead consumers acting reasonably under the circumstances. To be regulated, however, a deceptive claim must also be material. See Materiality, below.Romanian definition: Publicitate inselatoare. Demers prin care consumatorii au sanse sa fie derutati prin informare incorecta, incompleta sau prin alte mijloace de comunicare.
Deck Panels
Panels built one above the otherRomanian definition: Panouri etajate. Structura publicitara cu doua panouri publicitare montate pe acelasi picior (picioare) de sustinere, oferind doua spatii publicitare suprapuse vertical.
Demographic Profiles
Audience breakdowns based on various characteristics such as age, sex, income, education, etc.Romanian definition: trad: profil demografic
Structura de audienta caracterizata pe anumite criterii demografice (nivel venit, mobilitate, varsta)
Design / Layout
The artwork and text which comprise the poster or painted bulletin display.Romanian definition: layout sau grafica
Fisierul grafic pregatit pentru print care contine informatiile finale (mesaj grafic, text, dimensiuni, rezolutie, culori). De obicei este livrat in format TIF, in sistem de culoare CMYK
Demographic Segmentation
Dividing consumers into groups based on selected demographics, so that different groups can be treated differently. For example, two advertisements might be developed, one for adults and one for teenagers, because the two groups are expected to be attracted to different types of advertising appeal.Romanian definition: Segmentare demografica
Impartirea audientei in grupe caracterizate de anumiti parametri (zona de rezidenta, varsta, nivel de venit, gen, mobilitate, interes de moment, ocupatie, etc)
Depth Interview
A method of research, whereby a trained interviewer meets with consumers individually and asks a series of questions designed to detect attitudes and thoughts that might be missed when using other methods.Romanian definition: Interviu in adancime
Metoda folosita in studiile calitative (cercetare de piata) in cadrul careia un moderator cu experienta in acest domeniu (de obicei de formatie psiholog) initiaza discutii cu esantioane de respondenti in urma carora sunt extrase anumite informatii conform unui ghid de discutie (discussion guide)
a backlit display located in Airports, malls, bus terminals, and sports arenas.Romanian definition: In publicitatea OOH, termenul diorama se refera la un format publicitar iluminat din interior (backlit), montat indoor in aeroporturi, malluri. Sunt folositi mai des termenii de backlit indoor sau casete luminoase.
Direct House
An advertising specialties company that manufactures and then sells its goods directly with its own sales force, rather than through retailers.Romanian definition: Companii care produc si vand produsele direct clientilor si nu apeleaza la un lant de distributie.
A copy (e.g., xerographic duplicate) of an ad, or even blank sheets of paper, provided to a printer or artist as an example of the size, color, or other aspect of the ad to be produced.Romanian definition: sau proba
Copie a unui afis (printata partial sau la scara, chiar si monocolor), cu rolul de a ilustra aproximativ produsul final. Print de verificare.
Duplicated Audience
That portion of an audience that is reached by more than one media vehicle.Romanian definition: Audienta duplicat. Partea de audienta care receptioneaza mesajul publicitar de mai multe ori (more than once)
Earned Rate
A discounted media rate, based on volume or frequency of media placement.Romanian definition: Discount de volum. Pret obtinut in urma achizitionarii unui volum semnificativ de media (numar de panouri publicitare, perioada de campanie extinsa, etc)
Eighty-Twenty Rule
A rule-of-thumb that, for the typical product category, eighty percent of the products sold will be consumed by twenty percent of the customers.Romanian definition: Regula 80 / 20 este valabila in diferite situatii. Aici se refera la un tip de produse care sunt cumparate in proportie de 80% de numai 20% din clienti.
Electric Spectacular
Outdoor signs or billboards composed largely of lighting or other electrical components.Romanian definition: Termen folosit mai mult in publicitatea anilor 70 - 90 si care se refera la semne publicitare bazate pe sisteme electrice (lumini, tuburi, jocuri de lumini). Acum sunt inlocuite de ecrane cu leduri.
Electrical Sign
Shall mean any sign which has characters, letters, figures, design, faces, backgrounds, or outline illuminated by incandescent or fluorescent lams or luminous tubesRomanian definition: Semn publicitar special care include becuri, tuburi de neon, forme speciale, litere volumetrice iluminate.
The person who actually uses a product, whether or not they are the one who purchased the product.Romanian definition: trad: utilizator final
Persoana care utilizeaza un anumit produs (sau serviciu), indiferent daca este cel care a achizitionat produsul sau serviciul respectiv
Consumers who have seen (or heard) a media vehicle, whether or not they paid attention to it.Romanian definition: trad: expunere
Persoanele care au interactionat cu un vehicul media (radio, outdoor, tv, print, etc) indiferent daca au fost atenti la mesaj sau daca l-au inteles.
The area of design made as a cut-out that extends beyond the basic rectangular space of an advertising structure. Added costs are normal practice for the use of extensions but are typically worth the added expense as they make your ad stand out.Romanian definition: extensii
Portiune din mesajul grafic montata in exteriorul dreptunghiului standard oferit de un panou publicitar. Utilizarea extensiilor este o tehnica importanta in cadrul proiectelor speciale si care mareste impactul vizual al campaniei.
Eye Tracking
A research method that determines what part of an advertisement consumers look at, by tracking the pattern of their eye movements.Romanian definition: Metoda de cercetare in cadrul careia sunt urmarite privirile trecatorilor in scopul masurarii impactului unui mesaj publicitar expus pe un panou (sau locatie).
Refers to the number of billboards used for an advertisement.Romanian definition: Termenul se refera la numarul de afise expuse (faces sau sides) intr-o campanie publicitara outdoor media.
Factory Pack
A premium attached to a product, in or on the packaging.Romanian definition: Bonus atasat sau impachetat impreuna cu produsul.
Family Brand
A brand name that is used for more than one product, i.e., a family of products.Romanian definition: Marca (brand) asociata cu o famlie (grup) de produse.
Flat Rate
A media rate that allows for no discounts.Romanian definition: Cost fix la care nu se mai aplica discount.
Flood Lighting
Lighting outdoor advertising displays by means of very powerful illumination which is directed on to the display from any convenient location.Romanian definition: Iluminare foarte puternica a unei locatii.
Focus Group Interview
A research method that brings together a small group of consumers to discuss the product or advertising, under the guidance of a trained interviewer.Romanian definition: Interviu focus group
Metoda de cercetare calitativa aplicata de agentiile de market research (studii de piata) care consta in selectarea unui grup de respondenti care au timp de aproximativ o ora, discutii conduse de un moderator cu experienta in urma carora sunt extrase concluzii utile referitoare la diferite aspecte ale cercetarii (perceptia asupra produselor sau asupra unor campanii, mesaje grafice, ambalaje care urmeaza sa fie lansate, etc)
A typeface style, such as Helvetica, Times Roman, etc., in a single size. A single font includes all 26 letters, along with punctuation, numbers, and other characters.Romanian definition: Caractere grafice
Forma grafica in care sunt scrise (tiparite) literele care formeaza un text. Exemplu: Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica
Four Ps
Stands for Product, Price, Place (i.e., distribution), and Promotion. This is also known as the Marketing Mix, see below.Romanian definition: PPPP trad Produs, Pret, Plasare (in sensul distributiei), Promovare. Este cunoscut si sub denumirea de Marketing Mix.
Four-Color Process
A printing process that combines differing amounts of each of four colors (red, yellow, blue & black) to provide a full-color print.Romanian definition: Procesul de print in care sunt folosite 4 culori pentru a obtine nuantele dorite.
Franchised Position
An ad position in a periodic publication (e.g., back cover) to which an advertiser is given a permanent or long-term right of use.Romanian definition: Inchiriere pe termen lung a unui spatiu publicitar stabilit si constant intr-o publicatie (cu mai multe editii)
Free-Standing Insert (Fsi)
An advertisement or group of ads inserted - but not bound - in a print publication, on pages that contain only the ads and are separate from any editorial or entertainment matter.Romanian definition: Reclame tiparite inserate (dar fara sa fie capsate sau legate) intr-o publicatie (revista, ziar)
The number of times an average individual has the opportunity to be exposed to an advertising message during a defined period of time. Frequency in outdoor usually refers to the calendar month since this time period coincides with the standard contract practices. Fully Wrapped Bus- Bus advertising display in which the entire bus vehicle is covered with the advertising design, including windows, through which passengers still have visibility due to special material.Romanian definition: Numarul de vizualizari ale unui mesaj publicitar pentru o singura persoana.
Fringe Time
A time period directly preceding and directly following prime time, on television.Romanian definition: intervalul de timp imediat inainte de prime time si intervalul de timp imediat dupa prime time
Fulfillment House
A coupon clearing house. A company that receives coupons and manages their accounting, verification and redemption.Romanian definition: compania care gestioneaza cupoanele / voucherele unui client (emitere, evidenta, verificare si conversie)
Full-Service Agency
An agency that handles all aspects of the advertising process, including planning, design, production, and placement. Today, full-service generally suggests that the agency also handles other aspects of marketing communication, such as public relations, sales promotion, and direct marketing.Romanian definition: Agentie de publicitate care poate furniza intreg pachetul de servicii publicitare care include: planificarea campaniei, creatie, productie, derularea campaniei. Agentie care poate gestiona inclusiv PR, promovarea vanzarilor, direct marketing.
Gross Audience
The audiences of all vehicles or media in a campaign, combined. Some or much of the gross audience may actually represent duplicated audience.Romanian definition: Audienta generata de toate canalele de comunicare utilizate intr-o campanie.
Gross Impressions
total number of impression opportunities an out-of-home structure or advertising Space can produce measured against a target audience in a market. Cumulative impressions can be combined to reflect an entire out-of-home campaign.Romanian definition: Numarul total de expuneri posibile generate de o campanie pe locatii Out Of Home raportate la intreaga audienta tinta.
Gross Impressions
Total number of unduplicated people or households represented by a given media schedule.Romanian definition: Numarul total de persoane (unice) la care a ajuns mesajul unei campanii de comunicare.
Gross Rating Points (Grps)
Reach times average frequency. This is a measure of the advertising weight delivered by a vehicle or vehicles within a given time period.Romanian definition: Este o masura a expunerii totale generate de o reclama. Poate fi exprimata ca produs intre numarul total al persoanelor la care a ajuns mesajul si frecventa medie a reclamei respective. (GRP = persoana unice x frecventa medie)
Guaranteed Circulation
A media rate that comes with a guarantee that the publication will achieve a certain circulation.Romanian definition: circulatie garantata = audienta minima garantata a unei publicatii
Hierarchy-Of-Effects Theory
A series of steps by which consumers receive and use information in reaching decisions about what actions they will take (e.g., whether or not to buy a product).Romanian definition: etape prin care un consumator trece pana la decizia (finala de cumparare sau de refuz)
Holding Power
The ability to keep an audience throughout a broadcast, rather than having them change channels. It is represented as a percent of the total audience.Romanian definition: capacitatea de a pastra nivelul audientei pe tot parcursul unei emisiuni. Se exprima ca procent din totalul audientei emisiunii respective.
Holdover Audience
The percent of a program's audience that watched or listened to the immediately preceding program on the same station. Also called Inherited audience (see below).Romanian definition: procentul de audienta generat de emisiunea anterioara si transferat emisiunii imediat urmatoare
Horizontal Discount
A discount on a media purchase resulting from a promise to advertise over an extended period of time.Romanian definition: discount generat de promisiunea clientului de a derula campania publicitara pentru o perioada indelungata
House Agency
An advertising agency owned and operated by an advertiser, which handles the advertiser's account.Romanian definition: Agentie de casa. Agentie de publicitate detinuta si administrata de un advertiser, care gestioneaza campaniile acestuia.
House Organ
A publication owned and operated by an advertiser, and used to promote the advertiser's products or services.Romanian definition: Publicatie detinuta si administrata de un advertiser care are rolul de a promova produsele sau serviciile acestuia.
Households Using Television (Hut)
The number of households in a given market watching television at a certain time. This term is used by A.C. Nielsen.Romanian definition: Numarul de gospodarii (familii) care formeaza audienta unei televiziuni la un moment dat.
Station identification during a commercial break in a television or radio program.Romanian definition: Identificarea unui post (radio / tv) in pauza publicitara.
Image Advertising
Promoting the image, or general perception, of a product or service, rather than promoting its functional attributes. Commonly used for differentiating brands of parity products (e.g., This is a woman's cigarette). .Romanian definition: trad: campanie de imagine
Campanie care vizeaza mai degraba promovarea imaginii generale a unei companii, produs sau serviciu in locul atributelor sau al diferentiatorilor.
Imprinted Product
A promotional product, this is a product with a company logo or advertising message printed on it.Romanian definition: trad: articole promotionale
Obiecte care sunt imprimate cu sigla sau mesaj promotional al unei companii, produs sau serviciu
Incentive Catalog Company
A company that creates an incentive program for sales people, and provides them with a catalog from which they can select their prize or premium.Romanian definition: incentive marketing se poate traduce ca programe de recompensare sau loializare
termenul de Incentive catalog company este compania care editeaza si furnizeaza un catalog al produselor incluse in programele de recompensare. Zona programelor incentive a devenit mai compleza si include solutii complexe de bonificatii pentru stimularea vanzarilor sau a angajatilor unei companii.
Independent Contractor
A person who is hired by a company, but works for himself/herself. The company is a client, rather than an employer.Romanian definition: Persoana care este platita de o companie dar care lucreaza independent, mai degraba cu statut de furnizor pentru firma respectiva.
Independent Station
A broadcast station that is not affiliated with a national network of stations.Romanian definition: Post local de radio sau TV care nu este afiliat unei retele nationale.
Industrial Advertising
A form of business-to-business advertising (see above), this is advertising aimed at manufacturers. This advertising typically promotes parts, equipment, and raw materials used in the manufacturing process.Romanian definition: Locatie publicitara (panou) aflat intr-o zona amenajata special (iarba, plante ornamentale, etc) in scopul imbunatatirii prezentei vizuale.
A commercial that is very similar in appearance to a news program, talk show, or other non-advertising program content. The broadcast equivalent of an Advertorial (see above).Romanian definition: Forma de reclama radio sau tv, difuzata sub forma de stire, talk show, emisiune informativa. Echivalentul din presa scrisa sau online se numeste advertorial
Inherited Audience
Same as Holdover audience, above.Romanian definition: Audienta unei emisiuni provenita ca procent din audienta emisiunii imediat anterioare.
Integrated Marketing Communication (Imc)
A management concept that is designed to make all aspects of marketing communication (e.g., advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing) work together as a unified force, rather than permitting each to work in isolation.Romanian definition: Campanie de marketing in care sunt coordonate toate instrumentele implicate (publicitate, promotii, politica de preturi, direct marketing, vanzari, comunicare outdoor media, tv, online, etc)
Island Display
An in-store product display situated away from competing products, typically in the middle or at the end of an aisle.Romanian definition: Stand de vanzare tip insula, dedicat unei marci (unui produs), pozitionat separat fata de restul produselor din rafturi. Este de obicei plasat la capatul standurilor sau total izolat fata de acestea.
A short song, usually mentioning a brand or product benefit, used in a commercial.Romanian definition: Melodie scurta sau secventa de sunete asociata in spoturile video sau audio cu o anumita marca (produs, post de radio, etc)
A premium used to induce a consumer to take some action, such as completing a survey or trying a product.Romanian definition: Cadou ce are ca scop stimularea unei actiuni de marketing (testarea unui produs, completarea unui formular de feedback, etc)
Spacing between the letters of a word.Romanian definition: termen folosit in DTP
spatiul dintre literele unui cuvant
A poster panel or painted bulletin location at which the plant operator has planted grass, shrubs, trees, etc. in order to improve the appearance of the locationRomanian definition: Locatie publicitara (panou) aflat intr-o zona amenajata special (iarba, plante ornamentale, etc) in scopul imbunatatirii prezentei vizuale.
A drawing that indicates the relative positions of the elements (e.g., headline, photo, logo, body copy, etc.) of an ad.Romanian definition: Schita in care sunt pozitionate elementele vizuale ale unei reclame tiparite (header, logo, body copy)
The space between lines of type.Romanian definition: spatiul dintre randurie text succesive
An agreement made by plant operators with property owners for the privilege of erecting outdoor advertising structuresRomanian definition: Contractul semnat intre compania care detine panourile publicitare si proprietarii sau administratorii terenului pe care urmeaza sa fie construit panoul pulicitar.
A premium left with prospective customers by a sales person, to remind them of the product or service being sold.Romanian definition: Premiu / bonificatie pe care cumparatorul o poate pastra, ce are rolul de a ii aminti acestuia despre produsul respectiv.
Lifestyle Segmentation
Separating consumers into groups, based on their hobbies, interests, and other aspects of their lifestyles.Romanian definition: segmentare a populatiei pe baza stilului de viata (preocupari, interese, sau alte aspecte)
Line Conversion
A high-contrast reproduction of an illustration, where all shading is reduced to either black or white.Romanian definition: convertirea unei poze prin maximizarea contrastului pana la nivelul utilizarii a doar doua culori separate de linii curbe
Loyalty Index
Frequency of listenership of a particular broadcast station.Romanian definition: Numarul de ascultatori ai unui post (radio / tv)
Marginal Analysis
Technique of setting the advertising budget by assuming the point at which an additional dollar spent on advertising equals additional profit.Romanian definition: Metoda de configurare a bugetului care studiaza in ce masura o investitie suplimentara in publicitate genereaza profit suplimentar.
Market Profile
A summary of the characteristics of a market, including information of typical purchasers and competitors, and often general information on the economy and retailing patterns of an area.Romanian definition: Set de atribute ale unui grup tinta bazate pe criterii demografice, sociale, stil de viata, interese comune
Market Segmentation
To divide a market by a strategy directed at gaining a major portion of sales to a subgroup in a category, rather than a more limited share of purchases by all category users.Romanian definition: Segmentarea unei piete pe baza anumitor criterii in scopul maximizarii sanselor de a ocupa un procent mai mare din acea piata.
Market Share
The percentage of a product category's sales, in terms of dollars or units, obtained by a brand, line, or company.Romanian definition: Procentajul de piata ocupat de un anumit produs sau serviciu. Exemplu: Conform, la sfarsitul lunii ianuarie 2014, liderul pietei (n.a Orange) avea o cota de aproximativ 43%, concurentul principal (n.a Vodafone) avea o cota de piata de 29,2 %
the main means of mass communication (television, radio, and newspapers) regarded collectivelyRomanian definition: Totalitatea mijloacelor de comunicare in masa (radio, tv, presa, online, publicitate outdoor si indoor, etc)
Media Buying Service
Agency that specializes in the services of media buying.Romanian definition: Serviciile oferite de o agentie media. Achizitionarea de spatiu media (radio, tv, presa, outdoor, online) in scopul revanzarii acestuia unui Advertiser, in schimbul unui comision.
Media Concentration Theory
Technique of scheduling media that involves buying space in one medium only and developing strength through concentration.Romanian definition: Tehnica de comunicare media care consta in difuzarea informatiilor prioritar pe un anumit canal in scopul obtinerii unei puteri de expunere concentrate.
Media Dominance Theory
Technique of scheduling media that involves buying a large amount of space in one medium, and shifting to another medium after achieving optimum coverage and frequency.Romanian definition: Tehnica de planificare media care implica comunicarea intensa pe un anumit canal media iar dupa obtinerea unei expuneri optime, orientarea catre un alt canal media.
Media Plan
A plan designed to select the proper demographics for an advertising campaign through proper media selection.Romanian definition: Un plan de actiune in care sunt vizate anumite segmente demografice catre care se va comunica pe anumite canale media.
Media Strategy
A plan of action by an advertiser for bringing advertising messages to the attention of consumers through the use of appropriate media.Romanian definition: Strategia prin care mesajul unui Advertiser este transmis prin intermediul unor canale media selectate. Strategia media tine cont de: segmentarea demografica, atributele canalelor media, perioadele de campanie
Merchandising The Advertising
The promoting of a firm's advertising abilities to distributors.Romanian definition: Utilizarea si promovarea competentelor de advertising ale unei companii catre lantul de distributie.
Mobile Billboard
A truck that is equipped with one or more poster panel units. The truck can either be parked at specified venues or driven around designated localities.Romanian definition: Panou publicitar mobil, transportat de un autovehicul sau pur si simplu parcat intr-o anumita locatie.
Motivation Research
Used to investigate the psychological reasons why individuals buy specific types of merchandise, or why they respond to specific advertising appeals, to determine the base of brand choices and product preferences.Romanian definition: Metoda de cercetare care studiaza motivatia persoanelor pentru anumite actiuni ca rezultat al campaniilor de comunicare sau al altori demersuri de marketing.
Using a broadcast medium to appeal to audiences with special interests. For example, the All Knitting Station would be a narrowcast, because it appeals to an audience with a specific interest.Romanian definition: Difuzarea de informatii in cadrul unei campanii de comunicare foarte segmentate (de nisa)
National Advertising
Advertising which is aimed at a National Market, as opposed to Local Advertising.Romanian definition: Publicitate la nivel national (spre deosebire de campaniile publicitare derulate la nivel local)
Net Cost
The costs associated with services rendered by an advertising agency excluding the agency commission.Romanian definition: 1. Costurile campaniei publicitare din care este exclus comisionul agentiei. 2. Costuri fara taxe.
Net Unduplicated Audience
The combined cumulative audience exposed to an advertisement.Romanian definition: Audienta totala a unei campanii, fara duplicate.
Off Card
Refers to advertising time sold at a rate that does not appear on the rate card.Romanian definition: Spatiu publicitar vandut la un pret care nu se afla inclus in Rate Card
One-Sheet Poster (Non-Transit)
Poster panel placed near The entrances of point-of-sale locations.Romanian definition: (US) Afise publicitare amplasate in apropierea punctelor de vanzare. Dimensiunea aproximativa a afisului este 27 inches by 40 inches (686x1020mm)
One-Sheet Poster (Transit)
Poster used on subway and train platforms.Romanian definition: (US) Afise publicitare tiparite pe o singura foaie de hartie, cu dimensiuni de aprox 27 inches by 40 inches (686x1020mm), expuse in gara sau statii de metrou.
On-Pack (On-Pack Premium)
Used to promote sales of a product. Discount coupons or gifts that are attached to or accompany the product to be purchased.Romanian definition: Cupoane de reduceri sau alte cadouri oferite cu intentia de a stimula vanzarea unui produs.
On-Premise Sign
Shall mean display signs installed within the immediate premises of the business it presentsRomanian definition: Semn publicitar pentru expunerea mesajelor in imediata apropiere a magazinului, standului sau al locului in care are loc vanzarea produsului sau a serviciilor promovate in campania respectiva.
Open End
(1) Time left at the end of a commercial or program which is provided for the use of local advertising or station identification. (2) A radio or television program with no specific time to end.Romanian definition: (1) Intervalul de timp destinat unui post local pentru difuzarea de spoturi publicitare locale sau pentru spoturile de identificare a statiei respective. (2) Post radio sau tv fara o ora precisa de iesire din emisie.
OTC medicines
Over The Counter drugs. The term over-the-counter may be somewhat counterintuitive, since, in many countries, these drugs are often placed on shelves in self-service areas of stores, like any other packaged products.Romanian definition: OTC (Over The Counter) Termenul se refera la medicamente comercializate fara prescriptie medicala. Initial aceste medicamente au fost plasate in zona caselor de marcat pentru a fi la indemana vanzatorului.
Outdoor Advertising
What is the meaning of outdoor media?Romanian definition: 331
OOH (Out Of Home Advertising)
Exposure to advertising and mass media away from one's home. OOH (Out of Home) advertising includes: outdoor media, indoor media, point-of-purchase, and radio.Romanian definition: Orice forma de publicitate care se adreseaza persoanelor aflate in afara locuitelor poate fin inclusa in definitia OOH (out of home) Advertising . Termenul este vast si poate include: panourile publicitare (outdoor media), indoor advertising (spatii publicitare din interiorul magazinelor, cladirilor, lifturilor din cladirile publice), tranzit (autobuze, metrou, tramvaie, trenuri), bus shelter, puncte de vanzare, etc.
Package Insert
Separate advertising material included in merchandise packages that advertises goods or services; also referred to as Package Stuffer.Romanian definition: material publicitar inserat intr-un pachet (revista, produs)
Painted Bulletin
A freestanding steel or wooden structure, approximately 50' wide by 15' high, with molding around the outer edges similar to a poster panel, and including a hand painted copy message. Bulletins are generally found near highways or roofs of buildings in high traffic areas.Romanian definition: Format publicitar rar intalnit in zilele noastre. Panou publicitar cu dimensiuni de aproximativ 50 feet x 15 feet (aprox 14x4m) pe suprafata caruia mesajul publicitar este vopsit.
This includes regular and illuminated types of outdoor advertising. A regular panel is only seen during the daytime, while an illuminated panel is seen also from dusk until dawn.Romanian definition: Advertising panels sau Billboard. Format comun de panou publicitar care poate fi iluminat frontal sau neiluminat.
Pantone Matching System (Pms)
A system that precisely characterizes a color, so that a color can be matched, even by different printers. By knowing the Pantone color specifications, a printer does not even need to see a sample of the color in order to match it.Romanian definition: Sistemul Pantone este un catalog de coduri care defineste cu precizie mare culorile. Pentru productia publicitara se poate apela la paletare specializate in functie de materialul pe care se imprima mesajul.
Parity Products
Product categories where the several brands within that category possess functionally equivalent attributes, making one brand a satisfactory substitute for most other brands in that category.Romanian definition: Categorie de produse in care calitatea diferitelor marci este atat de asemanatoare incat cumparatorii pot lua usor decizia de a inlocui unbrand cu altul.
Pass-Along Readers
A reader which becomes familiar with a publication without the purchase of a publication. These readers are taken into account when calculating the total number of readers of a publication.Romanian definition: Persoanele care ajung sa citeasca o publicatie (ziar, revista) cumparata de altcineva. Acesti cititori fac parte din audienta totala estimata.
Per Inquiry
An agreement between a media representative and an advertiser in which all advertising fees are paid based on a percentage of all money received from an advertiser's sales or inquires.Romanian definition: Varianta de plata in care furnizorul media sau agentia este platita de advertiser in baza vanzarilor generate sau al sales leadurilor.
Percent-Of-Sales Method
Method of determining the advertising budget based on an analysis of past sales, as well as a forecast for future sales.Romanian definition: Metoda prin care bugetul de publicitate este determinat pe baza vanzarilor existente si al celor prognozate.
An illustration showing the exterior of an object as if it were transparent, while revealing interior detailing.Romanian definition: Ilustratie in care un anumit produs este prezentat cu carcasa (invelisul) transparent si al carui interior (structura, mecanism) este vizibila.
A set of still photographs made from a television commercial, accompanied with a script, to be kept as records by an agency or client.Romanian definition: Fotografii (cadre) ale unui spot publicitar insotite de observatii text facute de agentie cu scop de monitorizare / arhivare.
Plant Owner
An individual or company which owns poster panels and/or painted display structuresRomanian definition: Furnizor outdoor media
Companie care detine un set / retea de panouri publicitare sau alte locatii pentru expunere outdoor media.
An individual or a company which operates and maintains poster panels and/or painted display structuresRomanian definition: Operator outdoor media
Companie care administreaza o retea de panouri publicitare si furnizeaza serviciile de decorare, neutralizare, intretinere.
Point-Of-Purchase (Pop) Displays
Advertising display material located at the retail store, usually placed in an area where payment is made, such as a check-out counter.Romanian definition: Material publicitar pentru expunerea mesajelor in interiorul magazinelor, in zona caselor de marcat
Poster Panel
An outdoor billboard in which advertising is displayed on printed paper sheets rather than being painted. The most widely used form of outdoor advertising; standard size approximately 25' x 12' with the image printed on sections of 24 to 30 sheets.Romanian definition: Panou publicitar pe care mesajul publicitar este tiparit pe foi de hartie (aprox 25 ft x 12 ft). Pentru afisarea panoului, mesajul este tiparit pe 24 pana la 30 de foi (afise)
Professional Advertising
Advertising directed toward professionals such as doctors, dentists, and pharmacists, etc., who are in a position to promote products to their patients or customers.Romanian definition: Publicitate facuta prin intermediul unor specialisti (medici, stomatologi, farmacisti) care la randul lor pot promova anumite produse catre clientii lor.
All forms of communication other than advertising that call attention to products and services by adding extra values toward the purchase. Includes temporary discounts, allowances, premium offers, coupons, contests, sweepstakes, etc.Romanian definition: Promotii
Campanii in afara celor publicitare prin care sunt incurajate vanzarile unui produs. Instrumentele de marketing pot include perioade de discount, cupoane, concursuri, tombole
An impression on paper of type, an engraving or the like, for the purpose of checking the correctness and quality of the material to be printed.Romanian definition: Proba de print
Esantion tiparit folosit pentru verificarea corectitudinii si calitatii materialului care urmeaza sa fie produs in cadrul unei campanii.
Psychological Segmentation
The separation of consumers into psychological characteristic categories on the basis of standardized tests.Romanian definition: Segmentarea consumatorilor pe baza unor criterii psihologice si a unor teste psihologice standard.
Public Relations (Pr)
Communication with various sectors of the public to influence their attitudes and opinions in the interest of promoting a person, product, or idea.Romanian definition: Comunicare organizata pe o varietate larga de canale (social media, conferinte, prezentari, publicatii tiparite, emisiuni radio, tv, utilizarea unor retele de contacte directe, etc) cu scopul influentarii perceptiei asupra unui Brand (al reputatiei acestuia)
A type of public relations in the form of a news item or story which conveys information about a product, service, or idea in the media.Romanian definition: Publicity este tradus frecvent si imprecis ca Publicitate . Termenul se refera insa la actiunile de comunicare prin intermediul materialelor scrise (stiri, articole) sau interviuri, prezente in emisiuni cu vizibilitate larga sau de nisa, in urma carora poate fi influentata perceptia publica despre o persoana, o idee, un produs cultural sau unul comercial.
A rebate is an amount paid by way of reduction, return, or refund on what has already been paid or contributed. Also known as AVB (Agency Volume Bonification). The value of AVBs, which vary by media, by spending level and by country, can be significant, ranging between 3% - 20% of an advertiser' s net media spend.Romanian definition: Forma de plata solicitata de o agentie media furnizorilor media (outdoor media, online publishers, presa, etc) sub forma unor discounturi suplimentare sau sub forma unui comision. Un alt termen folosit pentru rebate este cel de AVB (Agency Volume Bonus)
The ability of research subjects to recall a particular ad or campaign when they see or hear it.Romanian definition: Capacitatea cumparatorilor (sau a subiectilor dintr-un grup de studiu de piata) de a-si aminti de o anumita reclama, campanie sau brand, atunci cand sunt chestionati.
Referral Premium
A premium offered to customers for helping sell a product or service to a friend or acquaintance.Romanian definition: Bonus oferit cumparatorilor in scopul generarii de vanzari in cercul de cunostinte al acestora (prin referinte directe).
Register Marks
Indicator symbols located in the margins of negatives to be used as guides for perfect registration.Romanian definition: Marcaje pe marginea negativelor utilizate pentru delimitarea perfecta in cursul procesului de inregistrare.
Remnant Space
Discounted magazine space which is sold to help fill regional editions of the publication.Romanian definition: Spatiu publicitar in publicatii scrise (revista, ziar) vandut cu un nivel de discount mai mare, pentru a putea completa paginarea finala a revistei sau ziarului respectiv
Renewal Rate
The percentage of individuals that renew their print media subscriptions to extend beyond the previous expiration date.Romanian definition: Procentajul abonatilor unei publicatii (sau alt canal media) care isi reinnoiesc abonamentele inainte de data expirarii. Poate fi aplicat si in outdoor media pentru clientii campaniilor de retea.
The average number of times each person is exposed to an advertisment. Also known as frequency.Romanian definition: (trad: repetitie sau frecventa)
Numarul de expuneri repetate ale unui mesaj la aceeasi reclama (tv, publicitate outdoor, print, radio)
Reposting Charge
an additional fee for changing artwork during a given display period.Romanian definition: trad: repostare sau redecorare
Serviciile prin care un furnizor outdoor media schimba mesajul vizual de pe un panou publicitar sau de pe o locatie publicitara.
Refers to the clarity of a television image as received by a set.Romanian definition: trad: Rezolutie
(1) Claritatea unui mesaj vizual tiparit pe un afis publicitar, banner, billboard
(2) Claritatea imaginii TV
Rooftop Signs
(1) Advertising signs installed on a building(2) Advertising sign mounted on a car's roof (a taxi cab)
Romanian definition: Semn publicitar montat pe o cladire cu expunere buna epntru traficul auto. Construtiile de tip roof-top sunt de obicei incluse in campanii de imagine si expuenre pe termen lung.
The variation in sales for goods and services throughout the year, depending on the season, e.g. hot chocolate is advertised more in the winter, as opposed to summer months.Romanian definition: trad:
Variatie in volumul de vanzari in functie de sezon. Ex: inghetata sau bauturile carbogazoase sunt vandure mult mai bine in timpul verii.
Selective Distribution
Allows manufacturers to maintain more control over the way their products are sold and discourages price competition among sellers of the products by distributing their products only to those wholesalers and retailers who follow the manufacturer's guidelines.Romanian definition: Distributie selectiva
Decizie in politica de vanzari a unui producator care vizeaza o distributie doar prin anumite lanturi de distributie. Exemplu: o parte din vinuri sunt distribuite exclusiv prin lanturile HORECA pentru a nu determina comparatia intre pretul vinului din meniu si cel cumparat in supermarket.
A premium offer that is partially paid by the consumer as well as the manufacturer.Romanian definition: Bonus platit partial de cumparator, partial de producator (vendor)
Serif Type
Short, decorative cross lines or tails at the ends of main strokes in some typefaces, such as Roman lettering.Romanian definition: Grupul tuturor fonturilor care prezinta ajustari fine ale colturilor literelor (asemanatoare unor codite sau aripioare). Cel mai cunoscut font cu serife este probabil Times New Roman iar cel mai cunoscut sans serife este Arial sau Helvetica.
Outdoor display which is larger than normal or located in a specific area whereby it is unusually and spectacular to the viewer. Typically long term contracts only.Romanian definition: Locatie publicitara caracterizata de dimensiuni mari, mul mai mari decat orice alta locatie din zona respectiva. Suprafata de expunere are de obicei peste 200 mp / side
Split Run
Two or more different forms of an advertisement which are ran simultaneously in different copies of the same publication, used to test the effectiveness of one advertisement over another to appeal to regional or other specific markets.Romanian definition: Derularea unei campanii publicitare in care sunt expune doua sau mai multe mesaje vizuale in aceeasi publicatie. Campania poate avea rol de test sau calibrare in vederea pregatirii unei campanii ulterioare cu acoperire mai mare.
Spot Announcements
Commercial or public service announcements that are placed on television or radio programs.Romanian definition: Anunturi (publicitare sau de interes general) inserate in cadrul unor emisiuni.
Spotted Map
a market map with Dots or arrows to show The avaialble locations for a buy.Romanian definition: trad: harta cu buline
Harta in care pozitia locatiilor publicitare este marcata cu cate un cerc colorat (bulina)
Refers to a pair of facing pages in a periodical, or an advertisement which is printed across two such pages.Romanian definition: Print publicitar in cadrul unei publicatii tiparite in care mesajul vizual este
Stacked Panels
(or Decked Panels)advertising structures built with each face set on top of The other
Romanian definition: Panouri etajate. Constructie publicitara cu doua panouri montate unul deasupra celuilalt.
A single image printed repeatedly in a pattern on a single sheet of paper.Romanian definition: Model grafic format dintr-o imagine tiparite de mai multe ori in cadrul aceleiasi pagini de publicatie.
A blueprint for a TV commercial which is drawn to portray copy, dialogue, and action, with caption notes regarding filming, audio components, and script.Romanian definition: Organizare grafica a elementelor cheie din cadrul unui viitor spot TV. Ideile esentiale ale spotului sunt desfasurate sub forma unor benzi desenate insotite de observatii text, comentarii sau replici.
Strategic Planning
Determination of the steps required to reach an objective of achieving the optimum fit between the organization and the marketplace.Romanian definition: Planificare strategica.
Organizarea etapelor necesare atingerii obiectivelor unei campanii de marketing.
Subliminal Persuasion
An advertising message presented below the threshold of consciousness. A visual or auditory message that is allegedly perceived psychologically, but not consciously. Also called Subception.Romanian definition: Mesaj (publicitar) comunicat la nivel psihologic subliminal (care nu este perceput la nivel constient). Masura in care aceste mesaje publicitare subliminale functioneaza intr-adevar este discutabila iar subiectul ramane atractiv.
Supplementary Media
Non-mass media vehicles that are used to promote products, e.g., Point-of-purchase advertising.Romanian definition: Canal de comunicare non-mass media folosit pentru promovarea produselor. Ex: publicitate in punctele de vanzare.
A size of newspaper that is roughly half the size of a standard newspaper. A page size is normally 14 inches high by 12 inches wide.Romanian definition: Denumirea initiala de tabloid se refera la publicatii tiparite cu jumatate din dimensiunea unui ziar standard american (ex: 14 inch x 12 inch). Publicatie tiparita, cotidiana care include stiri de senzatie.
Tag Line
A slogan or phrase that visually conveys the most important product attribute or benefit that the advertiser wishes to convey. Generally, a theme to a campaign.Romanian definition: Slogan sau fraza care sintetizeaza cele mai importante atribute ale unui produs promovat in acea campanie publicitara.
Target Audience
A specified audience or demographic group for which an advertising message is designedRomanian definition: Audienta tinta sau public tinta
Grup demografic caruia I se adreseaza o campanie publicitara.
Target Market
A group of individuals whom collectively, are intended recipients of an advertiser's message.Romanian definition: Piata tinta
Vezi Target Audience. Segment de piata caruia ii este destinata o anumita campanie de marketing.
Taxi Display/Taxi Tops
advertising structures that are part of taxicabs, on The roof, rear or window.Romanian definition: Taxi Rooftop
Semne publicitare (de obicei casete luminoase) montate pe plafonul taxiurilor.
Tear Sheets
A page cut from a magazine or newspaper that is sent to the advertiser as proof of the ad insertion. Also used to check color reproduction of advertisements.Romanian definition: Decupaj din ziar sau reviste al unui print publicitar. Decupajele sunt folosite si ca proba de culoare (color proof).
Teaser Campaign
An advertising campaign aimed at arousing interest and curiosity for a product.Romanian definition: Campanie de comunicare ce are ca principal obiectiv stimularea interesului si al curiozitatii in legatura cu un anumit produs sau pur si simplu in legatura cu o campanie in sine.
The use of the telephone as a medium to sell, promote, or solicit goods and services.Romanian definition: Campanii de promovare si/sau de vanzari derulate prin intermediul apelurilor telefonice.
Theater Testing
A method used in testing the viewer responses of a large, randomly selected audience after being exposed to an ad.Romanian definition: Testarea efectelor unei reclame expuse in fata unui grup extins de persoane.
A rough, simple, often small sketch used to show the basic layout of an ad.Romanian definition: Imagine de dimensiuni reduse ale unei imagini mai mari.
Time Compression
A technique used in broadcast production to delete time from television commercials.Romanian definition: Procedeu folosit in broadcasting in care sunt scurtati timpii din tronsoanele publicitare.
Lt (En) Tlp (Ro)
Advertising Local Tax.Romanian definition: Taxa locala pentru publicitatea outdoor (TLP) are o valoare medie de 3% dar poate avea valori diferite in functie de deciziile administratiilor locale (ex: 4%, 4.5%). Conform codului fiscal valabil din Ianuarie 2016, TLP se aplica la serviciile de decorare, inchirierea locatiilor publicitare.
Tracking Studies
A type of research study that follows the same group of subjects over an extended period of time.Romanian definition: Metoda de cercetare (studiu de piata) in care este monitorizat acelasi grup de persoane pentru o perioada estinsa de timp.
Trade Name
The name under which a company operates.Romanian definition: Marca. Numele sub caer este cunoscuta o anumita companie in piata.
Trade Stimulants
Sales promotions directed toward retailers and distributors that are designed to motivate them both and increase sales.Romanian definition: Bonusuri oferite celor implicati in lantul de distributie in scopul stimularii vanzarilor.
Icon, symbol, or brand name used to identify a specific manufacturer, product, or service.Romanian definition: Sigla, simbol sau marca cu rol de identificare rapida a unui produs, serviciu, companie.
Traffic Builder
A promotional tactic using direct mail. Designed to draw consumers to the mailer's location.Romanian definition: Metoda de directionare a traficului spre o anumita locatie (showroom, magazin, etc)
Traffic Count
The number of vehicles that pass an out-of-home unit each day. used to calculate DEC.Romanian definition: Numarul de vehicule care tranziteaza o anumita locatie publicitara. Audienta de care beneficiaza un panou publicitar care expune pe un drum cu trafic auto.
Transit Advertising
out-of-home media typically found on The outside or inside of Public transportation vehicles or stations such as buses, subways, and trains.Romanian definition: Canal de publicitate OOH cu expunerea mesajelor publicitare pe mujloacele de transport in comun (interior / exterior). Exemple: metrou, statii de autobuz, tramvai
Transit Shelter
Transit shelter panels offer uncluttered showcases for advertising, mounted in glass, backlit frames. They provide visibility to vehicular and pedestrian traffic at high-circulation locations, usually along main roadways of metropolitan markets.Romanian definition: Statii de asteptare pentru transportul in comun, prevazute cu panouri publicitare, casete luminoase, spatii de afisare.
Advertising display usually the size of a tradional billboard that uses moving panels to rotate its surface. This shows three different ad messages in predetermined order and for set amounts of time each, usually 6 or 7 seconds.Romanian definition: Locatia publicitara de dimensiunile unui panou publicitar standard, prevazuta cu un mecanism prin care sunt alternate 3 vizualuri diferite.
The rate of audience change for a specific program during a specific amount of time.Romanian definition: Cifra care reflecta de cate ori Average Quarter Hour Audience este inlocuita cu persoane noi. Acest parametru defineste si numarul de anunturi necesare pentru a obtine un reach de 50% din audienta cumulata (Cumulative Audience) a unui post, intr-un anumit interval de timp.
Type Font
Refers to the complete alphabet for a specific typeface.Romanian definition: Font sau caracter. Setul complet al literelor si caractere speciale concepute care sunt create intr-un anumit stil particular. Seturile de fonturi au nume unice (Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana, Helvetica) si include variatii (Condenssed, Bold, Light, Italic, etc)
A designed alphabet with consistent characteristics and attributes.Romanian definition: Vezi Type font
Unaided Recall
A research method in which a respondent is given no assistance in answering questions regarding a specific advertisement.Romanian definition: Metoda de cercetare in care respondentului raspunde liber, fara sa fie asistat de un moderator.
Unfair Advertising
Advertising that is likely to harm the consumer. The FTC has the power to regulate unfair advertising that falls within a very specific legal definition.Romanian definition: Publicitate inselatoare. Demers prin care consumatorii au sanse sa fie derutati prin informare incorecta, incompleta sau prin alte mijloace de comunicare.
Unilluminated Unit
billboard not equipped with lighting for nighttime illumination.Romanian definition: Panou publicitar fara sistem de iluminare
Unique Selling Proposition
The unique product benefit that the competition can not claim.Romanian definition: Rezumat al beneficiilor specifice unui produs, care il pozitioneaza distinct fata de produsele concurente.
Unipole Sign
Unipole (or monopole) sign is an advertising sign (usually billboard) frame structure mounted atop a single steel pole or column.Romanian definition: In Romania, termenul de unipol (plural unipoluri) este folosit in outdoor media pentru a descrie panourile publcitare montate de obicei pe drumuri nationale si autostrazi, al caror spatiu de expunere este fixat pe un singur pilon de sustinere.
a Poster panel or painted bulletin.Romanian definition: unitate sau locatie publicitara
Panou publicitar, indiferent de format (billboard, backlit, unipol, etc)
Up-Front Buys
The purchasing of both broadcast and print early in the buying season.Romanian definition: Contractarea unor panouri publicitare sau a oricarui spatiu media in avans (in regim asemanator celui de early booking)
Urban Panel
Above ground panels in subway station entrances.Romanian definition: Panouri publicitare amplasate in statiile de metrou dar la suprafata (in dreptul intrarilor)
A specific channel or publication for carrying the advertising message to a target audience. For example, one medium would be magazines, while one vehicle would be Time magazine.Romanian definition: Vehicul media. Canal specific selectat pentru transmiterea mesajului campaniei. Ca exemplu, unipolurile sunt un vehicul media specializat in cadrul familiei extinse numita Outdoor Media.
A type of paper used for it's superior reproduction qualities.Romanian definition: Hartie de calitate superioara folosita pentru print in anii 50 - 60
Vertical Discount
A reduced rate offered to advertisers who purchase airtime on a broadcast medium for a limited amount of time, e.g., one week.Romanian definition: Discount oferit unui advertiser pentru cumpararea de media (tv, radio) intr-un interval de timp limitat (ex: o saptamana)
Viewing Area
This is The entire area of The Poster which can be viewed after Poster has been installed.Romanian definition: Suprafata vizibila a unui poster, dupa acesta a fost montat. Sunt excluse zonele de crop, bleed, marginile de prindere.
trad en: visual message or layout (Outdoor media)Romanian definition: Mesaj grafic expus pe un panou publicitar (billboard, mash banner, backlit, statie de autobuz, etc). Fisier pregatit pentru imprimarea afiselor publicitare (poster, blueback, frontlit, backlit)
Waiting List
a list where an advertiser can place themselves next in line for a billboard or other display that is currently unavailable.Romanian definition: Lista de asteptare
Lista de clienti / agentii interesate de o anumita locatie publicitara ocupata temporar.
Murals painted or attached directly onto The exterior surface of a building.Romanian definition: Reclama outdoor montata sau uneori pictata direct pe fatada unei cladiri, de obicei pe calcanul cladirii.
Waste Circulation
(1) Advertising in an area where the product or service is not available or has no sales potential. (2) Persons in an advertiser's audience who are not potential consumers.Romanian definition: Persoanele care au intrat in contact cu mesajul publicitar desi nu se afla in grupul de potentiali cumparatori. Audienta in zonele in care produsul nu este disponibil sau vandabil.
Wave Scheduling
An advertising strategy that consists of scheduling space in the media in intermittent periods, e.g., two weeks on, two weeks off.Romanian definition: Stragie de planificare media in care sunt introduse pauze de campanie
Wear Out
The point reached when an advertising campaign loses it's effectiveness due to repeated overplay of ads.Romanian definition: Moment de la care o campanie isi pierde din eficienta prin expunerea repetata a aceluiasi mesaj.
White Space
Unoccupied parts of a print advertisement, including between blocks of type, illustrations, headlines, etc.Romanian definition: Spatiile libere dintre elementele grafice ale unui vizual (print layout). Spatiile dintre liniile de text, imagine, logo